Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Tuesday's Dream

Most people dream about flying, but I do not. I usually dream about mundane things, like grocery shopping. Last night I went to a boutique. I don't remember buying anything in my dream, but I will mention what I saw. I will also mention what the dream dictionary says about everything.

I saw two figurines made of plastic lanyard, like the kind used for camp crafts. To see figurines means that you are underestimating your abilities and need to stop comparing yourself to others.

The smaller one was a whale, like a right whale or beluga. I don't know; it was made of lanyard. We already know what whales mean. I think it comes from a news video I recently watched of a dead whale with 30 plastic bags in its stomach. Like I said before, they're like vacuum cleaners.

 The bigger one was a killer whale. Dream Dictionary says "To see a killer whale in your dream indicates that you need to be more social or more vocal about something. Step up and speak up. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes spiritual guidance. You are ready to explore your emotions, but you need to make the connection between the conscious and subconscious aspects of yourself." That's pretty specific. I partnered with Crest to recycle toothbrushes and toothpaste but I need to go somewhere and set up a drop-off point, and that requires me to be social.

What does shopping in dreams mean? It symbolizes your needs and desires and also represents opportunities that are presented.  We come from a materialistic commercialized society and shopping is a normal activity. What can we do to lessen our wants?

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