Monday, March 26, 2018

Monday's Random Thoughts

There's a solar storm happening right now. A lot of weirdness. Also the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is getting bigger. I don't know if that's a proper noun but I'm making it one. The garbage patch actually contains more larger pieces of plastic than tiny particles. Baleen whales are suffering a lot from this because they're ingesting these plastic tiny particles. They're like really huge vacuum cleaners of the sea. It reminds me of why I'm doing this.

Right now I'm trying to find different straws in addition to the silicone straws. Silicone straws are great for the kids, but they're pretty big to use in a restaurant. Something like glass or metal would be more subdued. I'm going to look around and see what I can find. Ok, I actually just got a couple of glass straws from Wish.  Have you ever used Wish?  It's like a dollar for shipping and most of the stuff is free or really cheap. Then you just wait a month and your stuff comes. It's very minimally packaged.

I'm going to post about some animals in the next few posts, and maybe more random thoughts.

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